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Journal of Young Scientists: MaliEco’s Survey about Ebola in Bamako!

The Institute of Survey and Market Research of the Malian Journal of Economy, MaliEco, has recently performed a survey on Ebola epidemics in Bamako.

The overall conclusion is that people in Bamako are aware of the Ebola disease and have been informed by TV and Radios stations. Although, a small portion of the population does not believe in the Ebola disease. Among those who do not believe in Ebola, the uneducated and the seniors citizens above 60 years old are the most skeptical.

Besides, the habitants were afraid of the virus. The women were more alarmed than the men. A significant portion of those who believe in the existence of the Ebola virus did not undertake any action to protect themselves.

Finally, 44 percent of the population in Bamako do not trust the Malian Ministry of Health to be capable of handling the outbreak of Ebola, and in being able to fight a possible epidemic.

In contrast of these studies, the following recommendations have been made towards the Malian Government to help fight against an outbreak of Ebola in Mali:

– Increase the number of campaign through all media specifically TV and radio.

– Broadcast TV program in order to raise the level of awareness about the danger of Ebola disease without falling in a panic mode which might lead to a global psychosis among the population.

Further information can be found in the following document:

Walanta Editorial Board

The sharing information website in Mali!


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